Bold statement, right? We’ll it’s true. With acupuncture and herbal medicine seasonal allergies can be very easy to eliminate. A lot of folks suffer through the season or use OTC meds that don’t work very well and have unpleasant side effects.
Read on to see why seasonal allergies don’t have to be your problem anymore.
The western medical view of seasonal allergies is generally that when plants, grasses, flowers etc. bloom in the spring they irritate our airways and the body responds to them as if they were a threat such as a virus or bacteria. This immune reaction is where the symptoms of allergies come from. Why some people respond to seasonal pollens this way and others do not is largely unknown to western medicine.
From the acupuncture perspective, however, we know exactly why. As our bodies move from season to season we go through subtle changes that help us to adapt. When a person does not shift seasons smoothly or gets stuck in a season, a conflict develops between the person and the current season. This conflict is what causes our allergy symptoms.
Proper acupuncture and herbal treatment aligns you with the seasons and stops seasonal allergy symptoms quickly and without side-effects. Often, within only two or three treatments, allergy symptoms are mostly gone.
Give us a call at 704.483.5441 or come by today to start feeling better naturally! Also, check this blog often for more about environmental allergies.