Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic is a natural form of health care that uses spinal adjustments to correct misalignments in the spine that interfere with proper functioning of the human body.
Chiropractic is best know for its effectiveness with back and neck pain, however, chiropractic care helps your entire body to heal naturally. It doesn’t use drugs or surgery – the chiropractic spinal adjustment permits normal nerve transmission and assists your body to recuperate and express optimal health on its own. There is no age or spine that cannot be safely adjusted. The best way to ensure a healthy child is to have regular chiropractic adjustments. Likewise, one of the best things for an aging spine is gentle, natural chiropractic to help maintain joint mobility, decrease inflammation and create an environment of healing for the body.
* Jennifer Noonan is an independent contractor and practices in the Acupuncture and Healing Arts building along side AcuCare Clinic.

Jennifer Noonan
Chiropractic Physician
Dr. Noonan has been practicing chiropractic for over 20 years. She loves connecting with her patients to affect lasting change.
Ready to Change Your Health?
If you're curious to try acupuncture for the first time or ready to schedule another appointment, we are ready to help you feel better!
Closing the gap between traditional & alternative healthcare.
We are dedicated to your health. AcuCare Clinic is the only area acupuncture clinic with a strong relationship with the medical and healthcare community. We have worked diligently to close the gap between traditional and alternative healthcare so both can work in unison and in the best of the patient – you.